Patient Derived Xenografts(PDXs) Requesting Cell Lines and PDXs Protocols and SOPs Journal Citations Tissue Donation
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The cccells.org EndNote Library contains nearly 370 references citing the COG/ALSF Childhood Cancer Repository as one of the sources of the cell lines used in research. You may search a copy of our compressed EndNote Library via any typical EndNote search parameter. We have annotated the library such that a keyword search using a cell line name will retrieve all published articles that utilized the cell line or xenograft name used in searching the database.

Users must have an EndNote program, X9.3.3 or later versions. You will not be able to search with the web-based version.

Click on the link below to download a copy of our most recent library.

Select 'COGReferences' under My Group.

When searching for specific cell lines or PDXs, use the drop-down menu and select “Keywords” “Contains” and type any cell Line.

If searching a cell line with a single or double digit after the letters, place a single space after that number. For example, if searching CHLA-9, type CHLA-9 with one space after the 9. If searching CHLA-25, type CHLA-25 with one space after the 5.

If searching for PDxs of a particular cell line, be sure to include “x” at the end of the cell line. For example, a search for the PDX of cell line COG-LL-317 should be searched as COG-LL-317x.

Up to ten cell lines can be searched at one time.

Download time for the file may take up to few minutes.